Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan: Pengelolaan Sampah Telkom University

Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan: Pengelolaan Sampah Telkom University

Universitas Telkom telah mengambil langkah progresif dalam pengelolaan sampah dengan menerapkan mesin insinerator sebagai bagian dari inisiatif “ Kampus Hijau ”. ​​Teknologi ini tidak hanya membantu mengurangi...

Improving Pedestrian Paths on Campus: Real Steps to Reduce Vehicle Use and Create a Green Campus

Improving Pedestrian Paths on Campus: Real Steps to Reduce Vehicle Use and Create a Green Campus

As part of its commitment to the Green Campus concept, Telkom University continues to strive to create a more environmentally friendly and sustainable environment. One...

Optimizing Open Space on Campus: Students Studying in the Middle of Natural Beauty

Optimizing Open Space on Campus: Students Studying in the Middle of Natural Beauty

Telkom University continues to be dedicated to creating a green and environmentally friendly campus environment through the Green Campus program. This program not only focuses...