In an effort to support the Green Campus concept and create a cleaner and more sustainable environment, Telkom University has now started introducing electric bicycles...
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11.102024November 18, 2024

Improving Pedestrian Paths on Campus: Concrete Steps to Reduce Vehicle Use and Create a Green Campus
By Blogs, Infrastructure, Setting and Infrastructure (SI)Tags EcoFriendlyCampus, GerakanKampusHijau, GlobalGoals, GoGreenCampus, GreenCampus, JalurPejalanKaki, kampus hijau, Kampus ramah lingkungan, KampusBersih, KampusBerwawasanLingkungan, LingkunganKampusSehat, PedestrianPath, ReducingCarbon
As part of its commitment to the Green Campus concept, Telkom University continues to strive to create a more environmentally friendly and sustainable environment. One...
10.102024November 18, 2024

Optimizing Open Space on Campus: Students Study Amidst Natural Beauty
By Blogs, Infrastructure, Setting and Infrastructure (SI)Tags EcoFriendlyCampus, GerakanKampusHijau, GlobalGoals, GoGreenCampus, Green Open Spaces, GreenCampus, KampusBersih, KampusBerwawasanLingkungan, LingkunganKampusSehat, OprimalisasiRuangKampus, RuangTerbukaHijau, SDGIndonesia, SustainableDevelopmentGoals
Telkom University continues to be dedicated to creating a green and environmentally friendly campus environment through the Green Campus program. This program not only focuses...