In an era where environmental awareness is growing, many universities around the world are competing to implement the Sustainable Campus concept. One example of this...
Archive for category: News
Teknologi Ramah Lingkungan: Pengelolaan Sampah Telkom University
Universitas Telkom telah mengambil langkah progresif dalam pengelolaan sampah dengan menerapkan mesin insinerator sebagai bagian dari inisiatif “ Kampus Hijau ”. Teknologi ini tidak hanya membantu mengurangi...
Nyamuk Terbesar di Dunia Ditemukan! Fakta Menghebohkan Netizen
Nyamuk Terbesar Di Dunia siapa yang tidak kaget mendengarnya, Siapa sangka, serangga kecil yang sering mengganggu tidur kita ternyata memiliki “versi raksasa/Nyamuk Terbesar Di Dunia”!...
Improving Pedestrian Paths on Campus: Real Steps to Reduce Vehicle Use and Create a Green Campus
As part of its commitment to the Green Campus concept, Telkom University continues to strive to create a more environmentally friendly and sustainable environment. One...
Optimizing Open Space on Campus: Students Studying in the Middle of Natural Beauty
Telkom University continues to be dedicated to creating a green and environmentally friendly campus environment through the Green Campus program. This program not only focuses...
Enhancing Campus Sustainability with Recharge Wells
In today’s world, where environmental concerns are at the forefront of our minds, institutions of higher learning have a unique responsibility to lead by example....
Total Research Funds Dedicated to Sustainability Research (in US Dollars)
Description: 1 US Dollar = Rp. 15.861,30 (Bank Indonesia 30/10/2023) Total research fund dedicated to sustainability research in 2020 = 806.964,38 US DollarsTotal research fund...
Total research funds (in US Dollars)
No Tahun Jumlah Judul Penelitian Jumlah Dana Rp $ 1 2020 615 Rp 20.507.283.050 $ 1.292.913,13 2 2021 1290 Rp 30.813.689.226 $ 1.942.696,33 3 2022...
Number of courses/modules related to environment and sustainability offered
No Code Course Study Program 1 UWI1A2 Bahasa Inggris D3 Sistem Informasi 2 VSI1C3 Dasar Manajemen dan Sistem Informasi 3 UWI1E1 Pembentukan Karakter 4 UKI1A2...
Sumur Imbuhan No.2 di Samping Kiri Masjid Syamsul Ulum (MSU) Telkom University: Sumber Air Bersih untuk Masa Depan Berkelanjutan
Kampus Telkom University di Bandung, Indonesia, telah berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih berkelanjutan dan memperhatikan keberlanjutan sumber daya alam.pembangunan Sumur Imbuhan No.2 yang terletak...