Telkom University (Tel-U) has taken significant steps toward realizing the Green Campus concept by providing environmentally friendly transportation services, including electric vehicles. This initiative focuses...
Archive for category: Transportation
18.102024November 18, 2024
Supporting Carbon Emission Reduction: Telkom University Provides Bicycle Parking for Students
By Blogs, Infrastructure, TransportationTags GerakanKampusHijau, GlobalGoals, GoGreenCampus, GreenCampus, KampusBersih, KampusBerwawasanLingkungan, LifeBalance, LingkunganKampusSehat, SDGIndonesia, SepedaSehat, SustainableDevelopmentGoals, Telkom University
In an effort to realize a cleaner and more sustainable environment, Telkom University is committed to supporting the reduction of carbon emissions through various environmentally...
14.102024November 18, 2024

The Use of Electric Bikes on Campus: An Eco-Friendly Solution to Reduce Carbon Emissions
By Blogs, TransportationTags EcoFriendlyCampus, ElectricCycle, GerakanKampusHijau, GlobalGoals, GoGreenCampus, GreenCampus, KampusBersih, KampusBerwawasanLingkungan, LingkunganKampusSehat, ReducingCarbon, SDGIndonesia, SustainableDevelopmentGoals, Telkom University
In an effort to support the Green Campus concept and create a cleaner and more sustainable environment, Telkom University has now started introducing electric bicycles...