Telkom University is committed to creating a greener and more sustainable environment through various eco-friendly initiatives. One of its innovations is maggot cultivation, which not...
Archive for category: Waste
30.102024November 21, 2024

Environmentally Friendly Technology: Implementing Incinerator Machines for Waste Management at Telkom University
By Blogs, News, WasteTags EcoFriendlyCampus, Environmentally Friendly Technology: Implementing Incinerator Machines for Waste Management at Telkom University, EnvironmentallyFriendlyTechnology, GerakanKampusHijau, GlobalGoals, GoGreenCampus, GreenCampus, IncineratorTechnology, KampusBersih, KampusBerwawasanLingkungan, LingkunganKampusSehat, SustainableDevelopmentGoals
Telkom University has taken progressive steps in waste management by implementing incinerator machines as part of its “Green Campus” initiative. This technology not only helps...
15.102024November 18, 2024

Benefits of Waste Sorting Based on Criteria and Use of Incinerator Machines: Steps Towards a Green and Sustainable Campus
By Blogs, WasteTags GerakanKampusHijau, GlobalGoals, GoGreenCampus, GreenCampus, KampusBersih, KampusBerwawasanLingkungan, LingkunganKampusSehat, MesinInsinerator, SDGIndonesia, SustainableDevelopmentGoals, Telkom University
In an effort to create a greener and more sustainable campus environment, Telkom University continues to develop various Green Campus-based programs. One of the efforts...