Tabebuya, one type of flowering tree with extraordinary appeal, especially because of its colorful flowers. In Indonesia, tabebuya plants are increasingly popular because they can...
15.102024October 15, 2024

Tabebuya: Getting to Know the Origin, Benefits and Types
By PuTIIn Blogs, Flora, FloraTags Agenda2030, EcoFriendlyCampus, GerakanKampusHijau, GlobalGoals, GoGreenCampus, GreenCampus, KampusBersih, KampusBerwawasanLingkungan, KampusHijau, KampusRamahLingkungan, LingkunganKampusSehat, manfaattabebuya, pohontabebuya, SDGAction, SDGIndonesia, SDGs, SustainableCampus, SustainableDevelopmentGoals, tabebuya, tabebuyabeauty, tabebuyaflower, tabebuyamurah, tabebuyapink, tabebuyatree