Telkom University is committed to creating a greener and more sustainable environment through various eco-friendly initiatives. One of its innovations is maggot cultivation, which not...
Archive for tag: KampushijauTelkom
04.112024November 21, 2024

Telkom University: An Environmentally Friendly Campus with Comprehensive Facilities
By Blogs, Education, InfrastructureTags EcoFriendlyCampus, GerakanKampusHijau, GlobalGoals, GoGreenCampus, GreenCampus, Greenhouse, KampusBersih, KampusBerwawasanLingkungan, KampusHijau, kampushijaubandung, KampushijauTelkom, LingkunganKampusHijau, LingkunganKampusSehat, SDGIndonesia, SustainableDevelopmentGoals
Telkom University (Tel-U) has established itself as one of the leading green campuses in Indonesia, committed to creating a learning environment that is not only...