Green Campus: Building a Sustainable Campus for the Future

Green Campus: Building a Sustainable Campus for the Future

The Green Campus concept is an environmentally friendly campus that prioritizes sustainability, energy efficiency, and good waste management. Find out how Green Campus contributes to creating a healthier and more sustainable learning environment.

Green Campus, a term we often hear when we see a campus ecosystem that looks beautiful and green. But what exactly is Green Campus? Why is Green Campus now one of the important things that must be given special attention by various universities, both national and international.

The term Green campus is closely related to the increasingly worrying issue of global warming. From year to year the issue of increasing earth temperatures due to gas emissions and greenhouses has made many companies, agencies or institutions increasingly aware of the importance of reducing the amount of carbon on earth. Educational institutions as the vanguard that supports strategic efforts in creating environmental sustainability through greening programs in them including implementing the Green Campus concept.

The hope is that universities will not only be a place to pursue education, but more than that, become agents of change in spreading the values ​​of sustainability. One example is through green campus movement programs. In this article, we will discuss further the concept of Green Campus, the benefits of green campus efforts, aspects that must be considered in a green campus and its long-term benefits for the environment.

What is Green Campus?

Maybe for some people the term Green Campus is not familiar enough to hear. Green Campus is a concept that focuses on efficiency in the use of resources in the campus environment with the aim of maintaining energy sustainability. The concept of green campus is divided into several aspects that must be considered, such as the use of renewable energy, good waste management, water conservation, tree planting, creating environmental awareness among students, lecturers, and campus staff as well as research and education efforts related to emission-friendly technology.

The presence of a green campus is expected not only to make the campus greener, but also to support the achievement of sustainable development goals or Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) . Thus, the concept of a green campus can form concern regarding environmental issues.

What is SDGS?

Green Campus aims to realize sustainable development or SDGs. What are SDGs? SDGs stands for Sustainable Development Goals, a series of activities that support sustainable development with a focus on 17 global aspects. 17 global aspects adopted by the United Nations (UN) in 2015. Where SDGs aim to address various global challenges such as inequality, poverty, climate change, quality of education, health, and environmental sustainability.

what is SDGS

SDGs is a continuation program of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) movement, but with a broader scope and focus on equitable sustainable development. With a target to be achieved by 2030, SDGs seeks to create a balance between economic, social, and environmental aspects in development.

In Indonesia, the Indonesian SDGs program has begun to be widely implemented through various efforts and special programs involving the government, private sector, civil society, and academics. The role of educational institutions such as universities in supporting the SDGs can be done by intensively conducting research and studies that focus on solutions to environmental issues that cover 17 points in the SDGs. In addition, various efforts by universities to support the SDGs are through main activities such as community service, environmental projects (green campus), and social entrepreneurship.

Why is Green Campus Important?

Currently, we see many environmental issues that are widely discussed, one of which is the effort to clean up email. This movement is one of the things that is quite interesting. Why? Although it sounds trivial, this action is actually closely related to efforts to care about environmental issues, because servers that function to store data with large loads can contribute to carbon emissions and cause a greenhouse effect that has a major impact on the environment. Every time we send, receive, or save email, the data is processed and stored on a server that requires energy to operate.

As the number of emails in our accounts increases, both sent and received, the energy requirements to keep the server active also increase over time. This is one of the triggers for greenhouse gas emissions, which have an impact on climate change. With small steps by cleaning up our emails, we can help reduce the load on the server and, ultimately, minimize the need for energy. This small step, although it looks simple, has an extraordinary impact in addressing environmental issues. Talking about Green Campus, what is the function of this concept in dealing with various environmental issues such as the case examples above? Why is this concept important to be implemented as an environmental awareness movement? and what is the role of educational institutions in supporting the Green Campus movement. Here are some reasons why the Green Campus concept is important to be implemented by an educational institution

  • Reducing Carbon Footprint: Campuses that implement green campuses indirectly increase greenhouse gas emissions from academic and non-academic activities, such as server use, electricity and transportation.
  • Improving Environmental Quality: Green Campus also plays an important role in maintaining the sustainability of green open spaces and water conservation, air quality in the campus environment.
  • Saving Operational Costs: The use of renewable energy such as solar panels, windmills and water management systems can reduce the operational costs that the campus spends in paying for various energies such as electricity and clean water. So that it can reduce monthly operational costs while striving for sustainable environmental preservation.
  • Shaping Student Awareness: The implementation of the green campus concept voiced by the university through news and real actions can encourage student awareness to be aware of environmental issues. So that it is hoped that they will grow into a generation that is aware of environmental sustainability and ready to face environmental challenges in the future.

Program Green Campus

There are various Green Campus efforts that are currently being intensively launched by several universities in Indonesia. Various green campus programs are needed that support the principle of sustainability. Some of these programs include:

Effective Waste Management

  • Use different trash bins for organic and inorganic waste.
  • Processing organic waste (dry leaves, food waste) into fertilizer products.
  • A campaign to reduce the use of single-use plastic in the campus environment.

Use of Renewable Energy

  • Installing solar panels as an alternative energy source (lights, charging stations).
  • Implementing an energy-efficient LED lighting system.
  • Implementing green building technology to reduce electricity consumption.

Water Conservation

  • Utilizing a rainwater recycling system for toilet water and plant watering needs.
  • Water saving campaign in toilets.
  • Installing water-saving taps throughout campus buildings.

Tree Planting and Reforestation

  • Holding tree planting activities every year.
  • Expanding green open spaces in the campus area.
  • Maintaining campus gardens as a place for learning and conservation.

Environmentally Friendly Transportation

  • Providing campus bicycles for mobility within campus.
  • Promote the use of electric vehicles.
  • Providing special parking facilities for bicycles and electric vehicles.

Examples of Green Campuses in Indonesia and the World

Some examples of green campuses that have successfully implemented the green campus concept in Indonesia and the world are as follows:

University of Indonesia (UI)

  • UI is known as one of the pioneers of green campus in Indonesia. The campus has many green open spaces, artificial lakes, and policies that encourage the use of renewable energy.
  • The Zero Waste Campus program at UI aims to reduce waste generated in the campus environment.

Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB)

  • ITB has developed an Eco-Friendly Campus program that includes waste management and the use of solar panels as an energy source.
  • ITB also has a sustainable transportation policy by encouraging the use of bicycles by students.

Telkom University

Telkom University, Bandung Telkom University is known as one of the private campuses that also campaigns for the green campus movement in Indonesia.

  • The campus uses renewable energy, including solar panels on several buildings, to reduce the use of electricity from fossil fuels. In addition, solar panels are also used for street lighting and charging stations.
  • Telkom University also implements windmills as a source of electricity generation and an alternative for access points.
  • The campus also runs a zero waste program by encouraging the sorting of organic and inorganic waste and the reuse of materials that can still be recycled.

Stanford University, United States

  • Stanford University is one of the world’s greenest campuses with its solar energy initiatives, advanced water management, and campus greening.
  • This campus has a Zero Waste Initiative program to achieve the target of zero waste to landfill.

University of California, Berkeley

  • The campus has a Sustainability Plan that includes reducing greenhouse gas emissions, energy efficiency programs, and developing green open spaces.
  • Berkeley also utilizes green building technologies to reduce energy and water consumption.

Strategies for Implementing Green Campus on Your Campus

Implementing a green campus strategy requires cooperation between the campus, students, and the surrounding community. Here are some strategic steps that can be taken to improve the green campus campaign:

Building Sustainable Policies

  • Develop policies or guidelines that regulate energy use, waste management, water conservation, and encourage research that focuses on the 14 SDGs points.
  • Provide training for faculty and staff on the importance of sustainable resources on campus.

Raising Environmental Awareness

  • Holding seminars, workshops, and student activities that focus on environmental awareness campaigns.
  • Encourage student awareness to protect and preserve the environment
  • “Go Green” campaign on campus social media to invite students to participate in environmentally friendly programs.
  • Creating a platform that represents campus life like Campus Life Telkom University with a green campus concept

Collaboration with External Institutions

  • Collaborating with external institutions, governments, researchers who collaborate in various environmental conservation efforts
  • Inviting experts to provide consultation on the implementation of green technology on campus.

Conducting Periodic Environmental Audits

  • Evaluate energy, water and waste management usage on campus periodically.
  • Identify areas that need improvement in an effort to achieve green campus standards.

Developing Green Infrastructure

  • Increasing green areas around campus buildings.
  • Building buildings with green building designs, architectural designs that are energy efficient and environmentally friendly.
  • Installing solar panels on the roof of buildings to reduce dependence on fossil fuels.


Long Term Benefits of Green Campus

The implementation of a green campus not only has a positive impact on the environment, but also has other long-term benefits, such as:

  • Reducing Campus Expenditures : By saving energy, the campus can save operational expenses from electricity and water bills.
  • Improving Campus Image : Campuses that implement the green campus concept tend to have a positive reputation and image in the eyes of prospective students and the wider community. Especially if the green campus movement gets recognition in several national and international rankings.
  • Attracting Environmentally Conscious Students : Students who are interested in environmental issues will be attracted to studying at a campus that supports sustainability.
  • Preparing Students for the Future : Green campuses help students understand the importance of sustainability, so they are ready to play an active role in preserving the earth in the future.


The green campus concept is an important solution in facing climate change and global environmental challenges. By implementing the right green campus strategy, campuses can create a learning environment that is not only comfortable but also environmentally friendly. Through sustainability programs, campuses can contribute to achieving the SDGs and educate a younger generation who care more about the future of the earth.

Creating a green campus is not easy, but with a shared commitment, every small step can have a big impact. By switching to a green campus, we are not only preserving the campus environment, but also leaving a better earth for future generations.

Be part of the positive change! Learn more about Green Campus and how you can contribute to a greener future.

Author: Meilina Eka Ayuningtyas – Directorate of Information Technology Center

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