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Setting and Infrastructure (SI)


Telkom University (Tel-U) is a private tertiary institution in Indonesia. Tel-U’s main campus is located in Bandung Regency, West Java, precisely on Jalan Telekomunikasi – Terusan Buahbatu, Bandung. The other campus is located in the Gegerkalong Hilir area, north of Bandung, in the office complex of PT. Telkom (Telkom Innovation and Development Center and Telkom Corporate University / Telkom Training Center).

Telkom University is a merger of four institutions under the organizing body of the Telkom Education Foundation (YPT), namely the Telkom Institute of Technology (Telkom IT), Telkom Management Institute (IM Telkom), Telkom Polytechnic, and the Telkom College of Fine Arts and Design Indonesia ( Telkom STISI).
Telkom University was established on August 14, 2013 based on the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education Kemendikbud Number 309 / E / 0/2013. Telkom University is a Private University organized by Telkom Education Foundation, a merger of four Private Universities, namely the Telkom Institute of Technology (Telkom IT), Telkom Management Institute (IM Telkom), Telkom Polytechnic, and the Indonesian Institute of Fine Arts and Design Telkom (Telkom STISI).

The Telkom Institute of Technology was previously the Telkom College of Technology (STT Telkom). Telkom’s Institute of Management was previously Telkom’s School of Management and Business (STMB Telkom). STT Telkom and STMB Telkom were founded in 1990 on the initiative of PT. Telkom which was then led by the President Director Ir. Cacuk Sudarijanto. Both of these high schools are the first tertiary institutions in Indonesia which have specialized education in the telecommunications and information technology industries.

Telkom University’s main campus is the development of the Telkom STT campus which was inaugurated by the President of the Republic of Indonesia Soeharto on March 24, 1994. In the past, the area was the location of the second oldest radio transmitter station in Indonesia owned by the Dutch Colonial Government, which later aired the news of the Proclamation of Independence Republic of Indonesia on August 17, 1945 to various parts of the world. The historical values ​​and works of Tridharma that have been produced by previous campuses will inspire Telkom University to develop into a national campus and at the same time a world campus (World Class University) that will always create the future (Creating the Future) through the development of cross-culture academic atmosphere and global academia. The nickname Tel-U and the motto Creating the Future are ideas given by Dr. Ir. Arief Yahya, M.Sc., President Director / CEO of PT. Telekomunikasi Indonesia, Tbk when Telkom University was established as a merger of Telkom IT, IM Telkom, Telkom Polytechnic, and Telkom STISI.

Before joining Telkom University, the four campuses of each of the Telkom Technology Institutes, Telkom Management Institute, Telkom Polytechnic, and the Indonesian College of Art and Design Telkom had produced Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi works that contributed greatly to the historical frame of Higher Education in Indonesia.

By merging into one Telkom University college, all the strengths owned by the four campuses will become a synergy of strengths that can produce greater Tridharma’s works for increasing the nation’s competitiveness in the face of globalization through the organization and development of education, research and community service to various scientific families by strengthening the uniqueness in the field of information and communication technology (ICT).

Through this merger, Telkom University has also increasingly enhanced its strategic role in the administration of higher education that is able to develop science, technology, and art and produce intellectuals, scientists, and / or professionals who are cultured and creative, tolerant, of tough character, and dare to uphold the truth to national interests, in educating the life of the nation, as well as advancing science, technology, and art by paying attention and applying the values ​​of the humanities as well as the culture and sustainable empowerment of the Indonesian nation.

To achieve its vision and carry out its mission, Telkom University must fulfill its mandate by upholding the core values ​​it believes in implementing Tridharma responsibly, independently, with high integrity and holding the principles of Good University Governance, taking into account the growth aspects of Good University Governance, , harmony, equity and affordability, so that the wider community grows a high sense of belonging to Telkom University.

Saturday 31 August 2013 became a historic moment for Telkom University academicians. On that day, the grand grand launching of Telkom University was inaugurated by the Minister of Cultural Education of the Republic of Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ir. Muhammad Nuh, DEA, at Telkom University Convention Hall, by presenting the first rector of Telkom University, Prof. Ir. Mochamad Ashari, M. Eng., Ph.D., Professor of Electrical Engineering Sepuluh November Institute of Technology Surabaya.



Diversity of Nature

Suburban 0%
Trees 0%
Pedestarian 0%
Open Space 0%

Campus sites

Main Campus Telkom University
Main Campus
(formerly known as Bandung Technoplex campus)
(Telkom University,Indonesia)

Kampus utama Telkom University terletak di Jl. Telekomunikasi No. 1, Terusan Buah Batu, Kabupaten Bandung, dengan luas area sebesar 48 Ha (96%).  Seluruh fakultas berada di kampus ini, dengan total jumlah program studi (prodi) sebanyak 32.

Gedung Kuliah Umum
Gedung Kuliah Umum


Gedung Fakultas Industri Kreatif
Gedung Fakultas Industri Kreatif


Gedung Convention Hall
Gedung Convention Hall
2nd Campus Telkom University Gegerkalong
2nd Campus
(Geger Kalong Campus)
(Telkom University, Indonesia)

Kampus Gegerkalong Telkom University terletak di Jl. Gegerkalong Hilir, Kota BandungJawa Barat. Terdapat 1 gedung perkuliahan di kampus ini yang digunakan untuk penyelenggaraan Program Studi S2 Manajemen dan kelas internasional Program Studi S1 Manajamen (International ICT Business).

Terdapat sejumlah Fakultas dan Program Studi yang berada di Kampus Utama dan Kampus Kedua

FakultasProgram Studi
Fakultas Teknik Elektro (FTE)
S1 Teknik Telekomunikasi
S1 Teknik Elektro
S1 Teknik Fisika
S1 Teknik Komputer
S1 Biomedis
S1 Teknik Sistem Energi
S2 Teknik Elektro
Fakultas Teknik Informatika (FIF)
S1 Informatika
S1 Teknologi Informasi
S1 Rekayasan Perangkat Lunak
S1 PJJ Informatika
S1 Science Data
S2 Informatika
S2 Ilmu Forensik
S3 Informatika
Fakultas Rekayasa Industri (FRI)
S1 Teknik Industri
S1 Sistem Informasi
S1 Teknik Logistik
S2 Teknik Industri
S2 Sistem Informasi
Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis (FEB)
S1 Manajemen Bisnis Telekomunikasi dan Informatika
S1 Akuntansi
S2 Manajemen
S2 PJJ Manajemen
Fakultas Komunikasi dan Bisnis (FKB)
S1 Administrasi Bisnis
S1 Ilmu Komunikasi
S1 Digital Public Relation
S1 Penyiaran Digital
S2 Ilmu Komunikasi
S2 Administrasi Bisnis
Fakultas Industri Kreatif (FIK)
S1 Desain Komunikasi Visual
S1 desain Produk
S1 Desain Interior
S1 Kriya (Fashion & Textile Design)
S1 Visual Art (Seni Rupa)
S2 Desain
Fakultas Ilmu Terapan (FIT)
D3 Teknologi Telekomunikasi
D3 Rekayasa Perangkat Lunak
D3 Sistem Informasi
D3 Sistem Infomasi Akuntansi
D3 Teknologi Komputer
D3 Manajemen Pemasaran
D3 Perhotelan
S1 Terapan Teknologi Rekayasan Multimedia


Telkom University land ownership certificate

Sertifikat Tanah Lokasi Kampus Univeritas Telkom ak313507
Sertifikat Tanah Lokasi Kampus (1) Bandung

Sertifikat Tanah Lokasi Kampus Univeritas Telkom ak313506
Sertifikat Tanah Lokasi Kampus (2) Bandung


Campus setting

Sub Urban (Main Campus Telkom University, Indonesia)
Sub Urban (Main Campus Telkom University, Indonesia)

Kampus Utama Universitas Telkom terletak di Kabupaten BandungJawa Barat, tepatnya di Jalan Telekomunikasi – Terusan Buah Batu, Bandung. Kawasan ini berlokasi di perbatasan antara Kabupaten Bandung dan Kotamadya Bandung. Adapun perbatasan antara Kabupaten dan Kota Bandung di tandai dengan jalan tol purbaleunyi, sebelah utara adalah jalan tol purbaleunyi dan jalur kereta api cepat adalah kawasan Kota Bandung, sedangkan sebelah selatan jalan tol adalah kabupaten Bandung.

Adapun perkembangan di area sekitar kampus cukup pesat dengan banyak dibangunnya perumahan dan pusat perbelanjaan. Namun sejalan dengan semakin berkembangnya pembangunan di sekitar kampus, justru menjadi tantangan bagi kampus untuk tetap melestarikan kawasan hijaunya.

Telkom University Main Campus



Telkom University 2nd Campus