In an era where environmental awareness is growing, many universities around the world are competing to implement the Sustainable Campus concept. One example of this...
Archive for tag: KampusHijau
Cara Efektif Meningkatkan Kualitas Udara di Kampus: Bebaskan dari Asap Rokok
Kualitas udara yang bersih sangat penting untuk menciptakan suasana belajar yang sehat dan kondusif. Di Telkom University, penerapan kebijakan pelarangan merokok, penyalahgunaan NAPZA, minuman beralkohol,...
Organic Fertilizer as a Solution Towards a Green Campus
In a world where sustainability is no longer a luxury but a necessity, universities are transforming into hubs of green innovation. The concept of a...
Budidaya Maggot sebagai Solusi Berkelanjutan dalam Pengelolaan Limbah Organik di Lingkungan Telkom University
Telkom University berkomitmen untuk menciptakan lingkungan yang lebih hijau dan berkelanjutan melalui berbagai inisiatif ramah lingkungan. Salah satu inovasinya adalah budidaya maggot, yang tidak hanya...
Compost Fertilizer Production Room at Telkom University : Turning Waste into Real Benefits
Telkom University has taken a big step in protecting the environment by establishing a Compost Fertilizer Production Room. This is where organic waste from various...
Telkom University: Kampus Ramah Lingkungan dengan Fasilitas Penunjang Terlengkap
Apa itu Kampus Hijau? Kampus hijau atau green campus adalah konsep yang mengedepankan keberlanjutan lingkungan di dalam lingkungan akademis. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk mengurangi jejak karbon dan...
Green Space at Telkom University for a Comfortable Environment
Amidst the rows of towering concrete buildings and congested streets and the never-ending hustle and bustle of the city, creating and preserving green spaces is...
Maggots as Efficient Organic Waste Managers at Telkom University
Telkom University is always looking for innovative ways to create a healthy and eco-friendly campus environment. One of its standout initiatives is the management of...
The Role of Telkom University’s Green House in Supporting Campus Greening and Environmental Sustainability
Telkom University has always been committed to the idea of a sustainable and eco-friendly environment. One of the most notable efforts toward this vision is...
Situ Techno: Artificial Lake for Water Conservation
At Telkom University, Situ Techno, an artificial lake to support water conservation, benefit the environment, and serve as a sustainable resource for the entire campus...
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