Waste (WS)

Pemisahan sampah organik dan non-organik
Recycling Program For University Waste
Waste at Telkom University was treated as follows:
1. Separation of organic, non-organic and bottle categories with appropriate provision of special waste.
These rubbish bins are scattered throughout the campus area as shown in Figure 1. With this special trash can, it can simplify waste separation and speed up the recycling process.
2. Recycling: composting and combustion
Waste that can be recycled is:
a) organic waste from vegetation to be composted. The leaves are sorted, chopped using a chopper and routinely operated by a special operator. To secure machines and other equipment, a semi-permanent house has been built. In this house the composting process and storage of compost are also carried out. This compost is then used to fertilize and care for plants and plants in the campus environment. The by-product of the composting process is leachate liquid, which can be used to speed up the period of waste decomposition and also as liquid organic fertilizer. The process of making compost is shown in Figure 2. This recycling bin is located in the Telkom University green house area.

b) organic waste from food scraps. This rubbish is collected from locations especially the canteen, dormitories and pantry sections of each building. This waste recycling treatment is somewhat different from organic vegetation trash, which is given as animal feed which is deliberately maintained at Telkom University’s TPS site. In this TPS there are 2 local catfish ponds that are ready to recycle food scraps.

c) organic and non-organic mixed waste can be processed using one incenerator to reduce the volume. This machine operates every day and is operated by two operators. This aid machine from BUMN works using a mixture of diesel fuel and water. The output of this processed waste is carbon, which can be used as fertilizer for plants. The use of this machine is the last step after various treatments have been carried out.

3. Waste dumped into landfill
Around 20% of non-recyclable waste is sent to the TPA using special vehicles belonging to the campus.

4. Separation of waste is economic value
Bottled, used paper, cardboard waste is separated and sold by cleaning staff and the result is additional income for cleaning workers.
Coaching and Support
Telkom University has a strong commitment to waste treatment. One proof of this commitment is coaching and support for students to be creative in developing ways of treating waste.
Staff of the Faculty of Applied Sciences Telkom University created a creation in the form of a Waste Bank service supported by a start-up application called Goni-Goni. The purpose of making this garbage bank is to give awareness to the community towards the environment as well as to cut the recycling process shorter.
There are some rubbish, such as plastic packaging for coffee, bread, instant noodles and many others which become household garbage but cannot be accepted by the garbage bank. So far, the community has been using plastic waste that is not accepted by the waste bank by recycling into shopping bags, glass coasters, tablecloths and so on. The product lacks economic value for its target consumers.
Many ways to recycle plastic. One way is to make the plastic into an ecobrick.
Telkom University Product Design Student Association (HMDP) held a seminar and workshop on “Recycling Project Design and Environment” by inviting the Director of Green Citarum, Dra. Sri Putrianti, M.Pd. for a demonstration of handicraft making from waste recycling. This event was held in the Hall of the Telkom University Creative Industry Faculty (FIK Tel-U), Monday (8/12).
Green Citarum is an organization that pays attention to the built environment, natural resources, and education and community empowerment. They provide training on how to recycle waste into something that can be useful. For example, recycling coffee wrap waste into bags, wallets, or bracelets.
In the workshop, participants were asked to participate in making an item from coffee packaging waste. As a visual aid, Putri teaches the stages of making basic patterns assisted by several of her colleagues. Participants are guided and given direction so they can form the basic pattern. After the basic pattern is finished, it will only need to be created how the pattern will be made later, whether it becomes a bag, wallet, tissue basket, or other shape.
Source: https://telkomuniversity.ac.id/en/daur-ulang-limbah-bentuk-perduli-lingkungan/
The people of Cangkuang Wetan Village, Bandung on Wednesday (8/3) worked hand in hand in demonstrations and training in processing waste into organic fertilizer. At least 17 Telkom University students became the movers of fertilizer production independently.
Cangkuang Wetan Village is the closest village to Telkom’s education area, where most of the farmers are Katapang and Chili farmers. So far, the lack of fertilizer in the agricultural process makes farmers not optimal in harvesting agricultural products.
Met on the sidelines of the operation of waste treatment equipment, Deputy Chancellor for Student Affairs and Research, Yahya Arwiyah, said his campus was continuously fostering villages in the West Java region to be able to become independent villages, especially with agricultural potential