Let’s Be a Zero Carbon Men by Plant a Tree!

Let’s Be a Zero Carbon Men by Plant a Tree!

BEM FEB Telkom University invited students more aware of the environment by organizing Enviducation and Charity Seminar which was held on Thursday (4/12) at Situ Techno Telkom University (Tel-U).

Heavy rain which flushed the area of Bandung Technoplex not deter the participants and volunteer environmentalists came to Situ Techno to watch the seminar and the charity.

Head of the Department of Community Services (PEMA) BEM FEB Tel-U said the event is the closing of a series of events Go Green summarized in Greeneration (Earth in Our Hand). “This event was not the first time the PEMA in initiating efforts to Go Green Campus,” said Vini Elfian Carnival was also a student of the Faculty of Business Communication, 2011.

Enviducation Charity Seminar and showing the powerful speaker of environmental practitioners and environmentalists on the campus of Tel-U, among others from the Green Transformation Jakarta, Perimatrik division and 3G Conservation Movement (Go Green) Tel-U.

Agung Tri Yuono of Perimatrik discusses Fotprint Carbon or carbon footprint. “Se Go Green any of us, certainly not immune from carbon trail, much of the carbon that we leave on any activities that we do on Earth,” he said.

Agung added, consciously or not, in every activity, humans always produces a logical consequence in the form of residual energy of all activities. If calculated, he said, each person generates 2.04 kg of CO2 per year, equivalent to planting 68 trees. “So we still have a debt to the earth at least 1 person to plant 10 trees,” he said.

Therefore, Agung said, there was no reason for people not to plant trees for the continuation of the earth in the future. Moreover, the resources obtained all the needs of man from nature.

“It is time we return the favor to nature because we have a debt to replace the trees that we cut for our needs. Be human with zero carbon by planting trees, “he said. (purel / azzah)

Source: https://gogreen.telkomuniversity.ac.id/education/lets-be-a-zero-carbon-men-by-plant-a-tree/