Waste Recycling for Environment Caring

Waste Recycling for Environment Caring

Concern for the environment can be indicated in various ways. One of them by recycling waste into selling goods that have economic value.

For this reason Product Design Student Association (HMDP) Telkom University held a seminar and workshop “Recycling Project Design and Environment” by inviting the Director of Green Citarum, Dra. Sri Putrianti, M.Pd. for a demonstration of making handicrafts from waste recycling. This event was held in the Hall of the School of Creative Industries Telkom University (FIK Tel-U), Monday (8/12).

Green Citarum is an organization that concern to built environment, natural resources, and education and community empowerment. They provide training on how to recycle the waste into something that can be useful. Examples recycle waste coffee packets into a bag, purse, or armband.

In the workshop, participants were asked to participate create an item of waste coffee packets. As a visual aid, Putri taught the steps of preparing some basic patterns  assisted by colleagues. Participants are guided and given a referral order to establish the basic pattern. After archetype, she showed how the pattern will be made later, whether into a bag, purse, basket tissues or other forms.

According to Putri, the waste did not have to end up being something useless. If waste sorting and selection is done properly, can be transformed into economically valuable goods. “The people should already sort and process waste from the start. So that garbage to the landfill or TPS to be a bit, even if possible, no more, “she said.

Chair Event Recycling Project Design and Environment, Indra Sungkawa conveyed that the purpose of this event to introduce to the public, especially students Product Design Telkom University, that recycling is not just sort out, but also to process waste into more useful goods and the sale value. “I hope Product Design students can further develop designs that already exist,” he said. (Purel / EAD)


Source: https://telkomuniversity.ac.id/en/waste-recycling-for-environment-caring/

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